This was the last day of our awesome study tour. We had only one thing planned and that was the party boat. Although, the weather was not perfect we still went out in to the bay of Hong Kong. After one hour of sailing we dropped the anchor.
At this point the party started. It stopped raining and we all went out for a swim. The boat had enough activities; a 4 meter high water slide from the top-deck; the floating trampoline; a kayak and a surfboard. Furthermore we had a fridge that was filled with drinks to enjoy.
We stayed at that point for about 5 hours. Which meant that we also had a very nice lunch on board of our ship.
During the swiming, eating and drinking we enjoyed the music.
We were on sea, however it was possible to reach the shore. Therefore, some of us, in fact, did.
They reported back about a temple, beaches with dogs and locals.
Eventually we headed back to the pier and we decided to dine together. As it would be our last day together, and thus our last diner.